When discussing magazines in class and talking about their original intent of delivering something to every person, that idea really clicked with me. Personally, when I have a magazine, I do as I please in terms of reading and comprehension. Magazines have just always been that medium that could give you whatever it is you wanted at the time. Like if you were in the mood to read an in-depth article, there are always countless stories to dive into. But at the same time, there is a wide variety of photo journalistic aspects, and quizzes, and more fluff than you know what to do with. Even though we didn't really discuss this in class, I thought about it more after. When I really think about it, Magazines are like many other forms of media, for the fact that it holds a lot of cultural significance. For me at least, magazines have always been a staple in my household. I can remember distinct memories of magazines and flipping through them dozens and dozens of times as a...