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My Response to Liz Klein's Post about The Killing of Botham Jean

Liz's Original Post

When I read Liz's post, I totally agreed with what she had to say. I believe that what happened to Botham Jean is completely inexcusable. I also believe that this was another example of police using their power and authority to target unarmed, black men. I agree with Liz that it would be absolutely terrifying to be in his situation. He was doing absolutely nothing wrong. The fault of this crime belongs on the shoulders of the Dallas police officer, Amber Guyger.
It's a disturbing and contradictory thought. Police are meant to be the watchdogs and protectors of our communities. They're meant to keep us safe. It's in their job description. So why would someone, who should be the most trained member of our society in gun safety, be so reckless. How come she didn't see the moved furniture? How didn't she see the doormat? Why was her gun her first reaction?
It is because of tragedies like this, that men, women, and children of color see the police as less of people to trust and to feel safe with, and more as something to fear.
Although I, as a white man, have never experienced anything even close to what people of color go through every day, I try to comprehend the struggles that they face.
For Liz's final statement, she states, "Regardless of how you choose to picture it, Botham Jean, a black man, was murdered while doing nothing but simply living his life..." It's terrifying really. The thought of being so vulnerable, in your own home, and to have your life taken away from you. To be taken from your family. To be taken from your community. And all because you were doing everything right.


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